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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tagged--I didn't run fast enough.

MD Benoit tagged me a week ago--just before I went to the emergency room. (Nah, not because of her...)

I'm back in the loop and I'm up to revealing five things about myself that most people don't know. (Those are the rules of this latest cybergame.)

1) I raise orchids in my spare time. I have about a hundred orchids (30 or so different varities) on my property in Kauai. Orchids mostly raise themselves here on the North Shore, so it is a simple hobby. I tie them on trees, let the rain fall on them, cut them for blooms and regrafting.

2) My husband and I have completely renovated three homes. It takes us about seven years, and when we're done we sell them and move to the next one.

3) I started a medical software company with two programmers in the early 80's. I bailed after two years, they sold it ten years later for...I don't even want to go there.

4) My four-year-old daughter and I surf together. She gets on the front of board, I get on the back. Surfing on the North Shore of Kauai ranges from extremely easy in the summer (when I surf) to 25 foot waves in the winter. (Hey dude! Knarly.) The waves crash so hard in the winter the beach trembles.

5) My husband's brother was just knighted in the Netherlands. He's a teacher. If only we appreciated our teachers in the United States like that.

Time for me to tag someone. Hmmmm...let me think about it.

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